Chicken Licken | Lights! Camera! Action!....Students in our Early Years 2 class, put on a production about the fable "Chicken Licken". They transformed into characters and performed for the camera. Through their summative task, each student expressed their feelings, ideas and understandings through play. |  |
Five Senses | As one unit ended another one began. This one about our five senses. Students created a human-sized Mr. Potato head to assist with their learning. They were able to start inquiring into the new unit by making connections with their prior knowledge. They identified the appropriate features that help us use our senses to understand the world around us. |  |
Czech Success | Our Czech Primary students virtually participated in the national oral and written Czech exams. Their results came back and were very impressive. Our Year 5 and 6 students have been studying and practicing while they have been learning online, through our Continuity of Learning Program. We are very proud of their dedication and hard work! |  | Kindness Counts | At the beginning of February, our Year 3 students set a goal to spread kindness across the ISB community. Students displayed kindness to their peers and family members by lending a pencil, helping carry food trays at lunch, helping cook dinner and remind others to wash their hands. Year 3 achieved their goal of performing 100 acts of kindness for the month of February! |  |
| Meaningful Learning Online | Year 7s have been studying the topic War and Displacement. They looked at Siegfried Sassoon’s poem Counter-Attack and annotated the poem online. It is important for students to engage with literary texts by looking at it together, with teacher guidance and working together to find meaning.
As you can see, they are quickly learning what makes poetic language interesting and what to say about significant parts of poems. |  | Vienna Science Fair | Every year, ISB participates in the Vienna Science Fair put on by the Vienna Chapter of Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM). In the past, we have had students win first place overall and first place in their category. This year, the Fair is taking place completely online and so there is nothing stopping our young scientists from doing Science at home and submitting their experiments and findings. We’ll keep you posted on how they fare. |  |
Honourable Mention in New York Times | Congratulations to our two Year 11 students who submitted a video to the New York Times’ annual 15-Second Vocabulary Video Challenge. The contest receives thousands of entries every year and we are very proud of our students for having been finalists. Click here to see their video. |  | Getting the most out of Google - JamBoards | When teaching online, teachers can miss their whiteboards because they can’t write notes or draw pictures/diagrams as they usually do in the real classroom. Google Jamboard lets them use the classic whiteboard while also providing new tricks.
In Czech class, it helps the teacher to visualize theoretical concepts while explaining them online. It also allows students to respond non-verbally. This is a fascinating way of bringing meme culture into the classroom in a meaningful way. |  |
March Dates and Events
| Mar 4 - March Newsletter Mar 8 - International Women’s Day Mar 14 - UK Mother’s Day Mar 17 - St. Patrick’s Day Mar 20 - Nowruz (Persian & Iranian New Year) Mar 23 - Primary & Early Years Coffee Hour @ 17:00 Mar 27 - Earth Hour Mar 29 - Apr 6 - Easter Holidays (No School) | |