Outdoor Exploration | During the Continuity of Learning Program, students are grasping at the opportunity to move their learning outside of their homes. Our EY1 students are currently learning about different living and non living things in our environment. This little learner was exploring the outdoors by inquiring into insects and learning about the difference between bees and wasps. |  |
Whole or Part? | In our Early Years 2 class, students were challenged to sort different pictures in two categories. Students used their thinking skills and their prior knowledge when recognizing the images to place them in either the Whole or Part category. This activity was used as a pre-assessment before teaching the concept and relationship between numbers, called the Part-Part-Whole Model. |  |
Face to Face | All Primary students returned back to the school building on April 12th and it has been an amazing experience since they have returned. Students have been appreciative of the time they are spending with their peers when participating in team building, learning centers, World Book Day character dress up and so much more. The positive social interactions that students are encountering are exactly what they needed after months of online learning. ISB staff are happy to hear the laughter and the sound of shuffling feet in the hallways again. |  | Earth Day | Students in all primary classes celebrated Earth Day on April 22nd by making a pledge to the environment of how they would take care of our beautiful blue planet. Some students created homemade bird feeders that were hung up on the trees around the school, while others planted flowers and started their own class worm compost. ISB students are also learning and utilizing the new biodegradable collection (brown) bins that have been placed around Brno. ISB is proud to be a caring green school. |  |
| Our Science Fair Winner | Congratulations to Shin Dajeong in Year 7 whose science project on Eco-friendly Pigments was awarded a Blue Ribbon (Excellent) at the Vienna Science Fair. Part of the judging process involved an online interview with the judges and Shin handled herself in a ‘cool manner’ as she explained her method and findings. Well done, Shin! |  | Memorial Monument Math Project | The year 9 and 10 students have been working on a Memorial Monument project in Math. They've had to research and calculate different types and costs of materials to be used in their monument. They’ve also had to find a good location for their monument and create rough sketches of their designs to help with calculations. We’re looking forward to seeing the final projects. |  |
Another Science Fair Award! | Congratulations to our Year 10 student, Martin Rada, whose Project on the Mpemba effect was awarded a Yellow Ribbon (superior) at the Vienna Science Fair. Martin’s investigation on why boiling water appears to cool faster than room-temperature water won him best in the category of Senior Biology/Chemistry projects during the online awards ceremony. Well done, Martin!
|  | We can still experience the Theatre | Even though we can’t go to the theatre at the moment, we can still explore it. High School students were very lucky to have a guest lecture with Marek Lollok, an expert on 20th and 21st century Czech literature and theater. Using different texts and videos, Marek explored the meaning of the word "theater" which includes classic plays as well as postmodern performances. |  |
May Dates and Events
| May 3 - Secondary Q&A (Years 7 to 9) May 5-6 - PYP Exhibition (Year 6) May 7 - ISB School Holiday NO School May 8 - Liberation Day May 9 - Mother’s Day May 12 - Eid al-Fitr May 17-20- Primary Student Led Conferences May 19 - Space Day (organized by Year 6 exhibition group) May 24-27 - Secondary Czech History Exams May 29 - ISB Colours and Flavours May 31 - Secondary Czech Language Exams June 1 - Spring Concert June 1 - International Children’s Day | |