Dear ISB Students, Staff, Friends,
It is my great pleasure to announce that another very successful school year at ISB is over. After two years of pandemic threats and school closures, this was the first school year when things really settled down again, when we got back to the social routines and events that make our school so special.
The ISB BBQ at the beginning of the school year, Ski Trip, Trivia night, ISB Ball, Exhibition of Student Art at Pomezí Gallery, Colors and Flavors, and the various Music events of the ISB Bands are just examples of the special moments where our mission as a school goes beyond the usual. In those moments, it is evident how strong our school community is, and how important the role of ISB as a social hub is. I am really proud of how fast and how easily we re-established all those wonderful moments and special atmosphere.
It does not mean that, as a school, we are now forgetting about those two difficult years. We learned a lot and took those two years as an opportunity to improve. We still live in historically difficult times and we also face different threats. Freedom and the lives of people who live so close to us are in danger. Barbaric acts and invasions of free countries are happening literally at our doorstep.
We still believe that the best response is to support and celebrate diversity, and to respect the value of facts and education. We believe that the more people are open minded, problem-solvers and global citizens, the better the chance is that such irrational and deplorable acts will never happen again.
I would like to thank all ISB students and their parents, teachers and all friends of ISB for a great school year. Enjoy your summer holidays, I am looking forward to seeing you again in the 2023-2024 school year!
Jan Švihálek - Head of School |
Animal Projects | Early Years students have been learning all about different animals during their last Unit of Inquiry of the school year. They took a closer look at different locations and habitats that their chosen animals live in; what food they eat; what names they are called at different stages of their lives; plus many other interesting facts about the animal of their choice. Students organized the information that they acquired and presented an informational project to their peers, teachers and parents. Even in our early years classes, students use the skills they have been developing all school year to put together a project to share information with the ISB community. |
Dance Party | The Primary Student Council hosted a dance for students in Years 1 to 6 during the last week of school. Everyone enjoyed running, playing and dancing around the gymnasium. Even the teachers were moving and grooving to the tunes. Across the year levels, students were teaching each other different dance moves and together they tried to master the moves, especially the moonwalk and the macarena. It was an excellent way to bring the whole division together to celebrate the wonderful year that we spent together. |
The end of the school year is always a busy time of the year. There’s so much going on! Our Secondary students capped off a fantastic year with all kinds of fun activities ranging from rap-writing, Sport’s Days with other schools, visits to the Science Centre, Service Learning, Science competitions, hiking, performing live concerts and more. June was action-packed and now everyone is enjoying a well-deserved break. |
It was a busy time in high school as well. The students had a lot going on. The band was playing weddings; there was English-teaching to do at our local partner-school; volunteer work at the local community garden, visits to the theater to inspire improvisation classes; there was action-drip painting to be done and Duke of Edinburgh trips in Slovenia to get done. Amidst it all, the yearbook committee had to compile all the photos from the year (big job!) and get the yearbooks printed before the last day (they did it - the yearbooks are now available!). Well done and have a great summer! |  |
September 4th - First Day of School |