"Don't miss your chance for a night of fun, dancing and surprises. Tickets to the annual ISB Ball are now on sale." Mr. Jan Svihalek |  |
“Mmmmm for Magnet” | Early Years students have been using their new magnetic resources and ‘magical’ green sand to help learn and practice making the letter "M". Hands-on activities help children to strengthen the muscles in their fingers and hands, to improve accuracy and learn functional skills that they will use for the rest of their lives.
 | Inquiring into Light and Colour
| Last month, the Early Years and Year 1 students took a trip into the city to visit the VIDA Science Centre. Throughout the day, the students had the opportunity to inquire deeper into different lights and colours. They explored the variety of activities by mixing colours, playing with different filters, and even having the chance to play with a prism to reflect different colours through light.
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Migration Museum | ISB parents, students and teachers visited the Year 6 Summative Share, a “Migration Museum'', to learn about how and why people migrate to different countries. Each student chose a famous person who has migrated from their home country and wrote a biography about them, as well as, created a timeline of their life. Students also represented the migrant’s life through designed artifacts and a fictional personal journal. |
 | International Mother Tongue Day | On February 21st, all ISB students participated in the International Mother Tongue Day competition, by collaborating with their classmates to build the tallest tower of Babel. Primary students learned about the history and the story of Babel before they started to build. They first thought, “building a tower with paper, no problem!” However, our students collaboratively built their towers by only communicating in their native language. Adding this challenge to the activity, allowed students to realize that we can communicate in many different ways which others can understand. Well done everyone! |  |
Science Fair | "The science of today is the technology of tomorrow"- Edward Teller ISB students investigated different ways of bringing the scientific method to Climate Change. They did an excellent job communicating their findings using models, experiments and surveys in our annual Science Fair. The Science Department and the Sustainability Club spearheaded the event, spreading awareness, and giving out some special awards. Congratulations to the winners!
 | Exploring the History of Music | Looking back in time and around the world, there’s so much amazing music to explore. At ISB, we do our best to give students a taste of what this history has to offer. In addition to our strong focus on music performance and composition, we make the time to appreciate the giants of music history. |  |
Duke of Edinburgh Awards Ceremony | Recently, some of our year 12 students visited the beautiful New City Hall of Brno where they received their certificates as well as the badges for completing Bronze level of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award. 💪Congratulations to our students who are not afraid to step out of their comfort zones and work on themselves!✨ Now let’s get back to work on this year’s adventures!☝️ |  | Dailla | We are very proud of our very own verified Spotify Artist - Dailla. For the past couple of years, she has been writing, recording and performing songs that are a wonderful blend of different genres. Last year, she absolutely brought the house down at the ISB Ball. She’ll be performing again this year so get your tickets now!
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08.03 ~ International Womens’ Day 08.03 ~ World Math Day 11.03-19.03 ~ ISB Holiday Spring Break - No School 17.03 ~ Saint Patrick’s Day 21.03 ~ World Down Syndrome Day 24.03 ~ ISB Ball 28.03 ~ Primary & Early Years Coffee Hour @ 8:45