How We Learn
Educational Programme
The ISB kindergarten program is a 2 year programme for children aged 3 to 4. We emphasise play based learning in a safe, caring environment, where English is the primary language of communication. With engaging activities and outdoor play, each school day provides opportunities for students to explore and make sense of the world around them.
As ISB is an accredited IB World School and we follow the Primary Years Programme (PYP), our teachers use inquiry based approaches to guide learning through transdisciplinary units of inquiry (UOI).
Our daily programme acknowledges that each child is unique. Learning experiences are planned and differentiated to meet the needs and interests of individual students. Through purposeful play, both child-initiated and teacher guided, children are encouraged to be natural inquirers. In all activities, the following elements are present:
- Playing and exploring - children investigate and explore the world around them
- Active learning
- Setting the foundations for creating and critical thinking
- Building relationships
Thematic Plans
Kindergarten students participate in four exciting transdisciplinary units that aid students in building foundational knowledge, skills and understandings. Our three and four year olds explore the following transdisciplinary themes:
- Who We Are
- How the World Works
- How We Express Ourselves
- Sharing the Planet
Curriculum EY1 (3yo)
Curriculum EY2 (4yo)
Sharing Achievements
Throughout the year, the learning journey of each child is regularly shared with families in a variety of ways. ISB Staff members talk to each family on a daily basis to reflect on learning experiences and build positive relationships between home and school.
We use Toddle platform to share our students' progress and results of their activities.
Furthermore, we present progress and growth through our online student portfolio, a personalized collection of kindergarten memories. Parents have consistent access to their child´s learning. Four times a year, children proudly share their learning with parents during summative shares and parent-student-teacher meetings. In addition, written progress reports are sent home twice a year.